It's not unusual for me to get my messages from Spirit in the form of song lyrics – though it sometimes takes a while to realise it's a messages when a few lines repeat over and over in my brain. It could just be an ear-worm.
Yesterday, even though I knew very well what the date was, and it was much on my mind, it didn't occur to me to attach any significance to this chorus I kept 'hearing' all day, over and over and over:
So fare thee well, my own true love.
We'll meet another day, another time.
It's not the leaving that's grieving me,
but my true love who's bound to stay behind.
Then this morning it finally hit me. Of course!
Yesterday was the sixth anniversary of my husband Andrew's death.
(And yes, I have received plenty of indication that he's happy and busy, working with the angels; as well as plenty of indication that he still keeps a close eye on me.)