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Sunday, April 19, 2020

My Virtual Ritual

The Goddesses of Shining Light gathered on the etheric plane. We won't meet physically during the pandemic.

I dressed in the nearest I have to autumn colours: long, russet skirt and top and coppery jewellery (plus my usual silver pentacle). Although this wasn’t Equinox, April’s still autumn [in the Southern Hemisphere]. Adding my magenta cloak, I felt wrapped in the arms of the Goddess. 

I used the room where I usually perform magic or give psychic readings (aka spare bedroom). At 12 noon — one of the magical hours — I used my cleansing wand, first to clear the space, then my aura, then imagined doing the auras of all present, using physical actions, as I envisaged them arriving in their coloured cloaks: blue, red, purple, aqua, burgundy, orange, forest green. Laying aside my wand, I walked around the room in a circle – a very small circle, in that fairly small room – visualising the space expanded and the others with me, chanting a song we always use.

With my crystal-laser-tipped athame (witch’s dagger) I brought in the elements / directions. I spoke our traditional Light Ritual, with the requisite actions. I have great love for it, and I like the continuity of having worked with it for years, building that energy. 

Thereafter, I followed a procedure we’d been emailed, including bringing light to each of us around the circle, in all our various physical locations, and to those loved ones we’d called into the centre. 

This time we omitted the singing and dancing we normally do. Circle dancing does need a physical group!

On my iPad, I tuned into Goddess Elizabeth singing her inspirational song, ‘Lifting the Veil’, knowing others did too. 

I spoke aloud Section 1 of our Shining Vision*, with focus and intention.

I recited our closing prayer.

I thanked the beings who had come to be with us — clear that it was us, not just me — and opened the circle.

Finally I sang aloud, ‘May the circle be open but unbroken ...’ three times.

Later I took a selfie, still in my cloak, to mark the occasion. Then I changed back into everyday wear and went about my day, feeling at once grounded and uplifted, calmed and elated.

*To hear Our Shining Vision (with preamble). 

Note: 'The Goddesses of Shining Light' is not a group of witches, although there are witches among us. We are women of all beliefs (Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, New Age, agnostic ... and yes, Pagan) and all ages (from 3 to 93) living in and around a particular locality, who seek to embody the qualities of the Divine Feminine and to spread our light to the community in ways both practical (e.g. feeding the homeless) and energetic. Our monthly gatherings are also occasions for taking time out of our busy lives to nourish ourselves.