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Tuesday, July 30, 2024

What Does the Well-Equipped Witch Keep in the Medicine Supply?

 (I was going to say 'her medicine supply' but quite a lot of men are witches too – and call themselves that, not 'wizards' or 'warlocks'.)

My basic list –

Band-aids of course, like everyone.

Medications prescribed by one's doctor and/or pharmacist, if applicable.

One's own healing hands, if that applies. (To some it comes naturally, inborn. Others of us learn things like Reiki, Pranic Healing, Theta Healing, MAP, or various other forms of energy healing and/or spiritual healing.) 

Rescue Remedy. A staple in many non-witchy homes too, for good reason.

(Maybe other flower essences as well, for specific emotional needs; but RR is all-purpose.) 

Teatree oil.

Eucalyptus oil.

Lavender oil.

(Perhaps other essential oils too, but those three are my must-have.)

Pawpaw ointment.

Comfrey ointment.

Calendula cream.

Crystals. Clear quartz: all-purpose. Rose quartz: healing. Amethyst: protection. Obsidian: grounding. (There are plenty for more specific purposes; consult one of the many books which list them, or try Google.)

Healing spells. I guess everyone has their own favourites, so I won't begin to list them. (I like the quick and basic.) Again, these days one can look these up in books or online.