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Friday, November 7, 2014


Recently at dVerse Poets Pub, an online community, we were asked to write from the point of view of a dead man or woman.

My poem was a fantasy which did not draw on my work as a psychic medium, but rather on past selves I've been in this lifetime, welling up from the subconscious.

However some readers asked what I had learned from that work. I struggled to answer succinctly — but then I read someone else's poem which perfectly expresses much of what I have learned about being on 'the other side'.

You may read it here.


  1. Many thanks for linking to my thoughts, Rosemary! xoxo

    1. Many thanks for expressing them as poetry so beautifully! I did try, before writing the poem I wrote — but abandoned the attempt as it just came out like an essay masquerading as verse.

  2. i had no idea you were psychic. i'm really enjoying looking around your blog, though. :) you are an interesting soul! :)


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