Birthdays are good for you. The more you have, the longer you live.
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Sunday, May 31, 2020

Taking Issue with the Word ‘Abundance’

People often recommend that we ask for it in our spells, visualisations, affirmations, whatever. It’s better to use that word than ‘money’, they assert, because ‘money’ is too limiting.

I think ‘abundance’ isn’t limiting enough.

I’m inclined to be fat. I’m afraid to ask for abundance in case I acquire, among other things, an abundance of flesh! In fact it’s a very general word altogether. The Universe might interpret a focus on abundance as meaning you wish for an abundance of anything and everything you experience. There are some experiences I definitely would not want more of!

So what I ask for is  prosperity.

This is a much more specific word. There are, of course, various kinds of prosperity one might be blessed with, but all within a certain category, all positive in nature.

I’m a witch and a poet. Both poets and witches understand that they need to be very careful and precise in the way they use words. Words have power!


  1. This is so true. How many fairy tales and how much folk lore deals with just this point? Rumpelstiltskin, the numerous leprechauns who give people EXACTLY what they ask for, Midas and his golden touch, etc etc

    In a different arena many legal wrangles and judgements turn on interpretation of individual words leading to outcomes not intended by those who invoked them.

    Specificity is a gift vouchsafed to the very few who are prepared to put the work in to learn how to wield that power wisely.


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