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Wednesday, September 22, 2021

We Shall Not Meet

Spring Equinox 2021

In this Southern Hemisphere, Spring has arrived: the time of renewal. In my garden, two irises bloom, abundant with colour and light. 

With joy after many months apart, we Goddesses of Shining Light prepare to meet for Equinox. After months of staying COVID-safe, we plan for glorious reunion. We’ve missed gathering – to dance in circle to honour the Goddess; to sing and meditate; to send out our light, drawn from the heavens, to our community here and to the wider world. To feel our hearts revive. And to lunch together afterwards in friendship, reconnecting with each other’s individual selves and lives.

Then comes a sudden new lockdown for our area. The gathering cannot happen.

A facebook friend reminds me, inner reality is paramount and I can celebrate very well alone. I can … but he fails to understand the power of the communal. We women are aligned in our purpose, our understanding, and in the mystical joy and peace we share, uniting for this service. 

It is above all our own renewal, an energy source. There are many things we do for others. This coming together is also a time for us — for each in her inner core, and collectively. Here we renew our strength. Here we renew our hearts. Here we renew our deep inner truth ... our spirit.

We want to look into each other’s smiling eyes, and hear again each other’s voices.  

We are not all Pagan, though several of us are. We include Christians, Krishna devotees, Buddhists, Indigenous people on their own timeless spiritual paths, New Agey types, and one avowed unbeliever — who nevertheless has an excellent understanding of energy flow and subscribes to our ideals.

What ideals are they? 

We seek to embody the qualities of the Divine Feminine, both privately and collectively. ‘Light workers’ is surely the most accurate term for us.

But can this summary convey how much we’ve been longing to meet? How our gatherings nurture and restore us? How they carry us through the months to the next time?

‘I see you,’ we say to each other without needing words. ‘I see you,  I know you. You are precious and distinct … and we are one.’ 

We relinquish our plans. We shall meet etherically instead. 

At Poets and Storytellers United, in Weekly Scribblings #88: Equinox, Magaly invites us to write on one or all of three phrases. I chose, 'I see you.' What I wrote seems to belong best in this, my 'witchy' blog.


  1. I haven't really had any communal ties to speak of in decades. I do wonder what it would feel like to be among women who "get" me. There are some women in the small town where I live who are nice enough, but I live in a very Christian and very red area. I feel the less I share about myself the better.

  2. How well said, thanks dear Rosemary! Could you please put it onto our Goddess Fb page?
    So sad we will miss each other. Be well!

  3. I've felt very adrift since my friend who passed was also a witch. It's tinged every witchy observance since then with a heavy dose of melancholy. It's on my to-do list to find some local witches, eventually. LOL, I have a gaggle of young ones asking for advice though that isn't quite the same. Still, the pandemic is going to push off those plans for a while more. I shall just have to cultivate patience.

  4. Solitary celebrations can be great, even extra fulfilling, but every now and again (especially when The Wheel is turning) being a witch alone can squeeze the heart. I hope you get to look into each other's eyes very soon. Just imagine the sort of energy you'll raise, after holding back for some time.

  5. How sad that you cannot meet up. One day you will. Meanwhile you can enjoy your lovely irises in your garden in spring weather and write and read poetry.

  6. Lockdown as like slippers we shove our feet into these days.
    Stay Safe


  7. I liked your statement, "We women are aligned in our purpose, our understanding, and in the mystical joy and peace we share, uniting for this service."
    I see women's need and enjoyment being with the other women in groups like these. Men get stuffy and abbreviated in their groupings. Mrs. Jim in our 48 years of marriage so many associations with many, many, groups where she gets heavily involved. As a man, I enjoy times when their menfolk are invited to participate, perhaps the eating and game type in movements the most.
    I am sorry your group couldn't meet this year. You told here of their functioning very well, thank you, Rosemary.

  8. I totally identify with your words, Rosemary. For years I had a thriving circle of women my son fondly called my posse. We met to play cards, to lunch, to travel, and always to exchange our life experiences, drawing strength with each gathering. Many have passed on, and Covid or debility have taken away the chance to gather for those of us who are left. We keep in touch by phone, Facebook and e-mail...but we so miss the time together. I see you, friend Rosemary!


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